
The Kubernetes Operator of Milvus.

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Authenticate User Access

This topic describes how to manage user authentication in Milvus.

Milvus supports authenticated access by username and password.

Enable authentication in Milvus

You can enable authentication by setting the field to true in the Milvus CRD.

kind: Milvus
  name: my-release
    app: milvus
  # Omit other fields ...
        authorizationEnabled: true

Create an authenticated user

A root user (password: Milvus) is created along with each Milvus instance by default. It is recommended to change the password of the root user when you start Milvus for the first time. The root user can be used to create new users for authenticated access.

Create a user with username and password with the following command.

from pymilvus import utility
utility.create_user('user', 'password', using='default') 
Parameter Description
user Username to create.
password Password for the user to create.
using Alias of the Milvus server to create the user.

Connect Milvus with an authenticated user

Connect Milvus with an existing user.

from pymilvus import connections
Parameter Description
alias Alias of the Milvus server to connect.
host IP address of the Milvus server to connect.
port Port of the Milvus server to connect.
user Username used to connect.
password Password used to connect.
To stop using the authenticated access, or to log in to another authenticated user, you need to disconnect from the Milvus instance and re-connect to it.

Reset password

Change the password for an existing user and reset the Milvus connection.

from pymilvus import utility
utility.reset_password('user', 'old_password', 'new_password', using='default')
Parameter Description
user Username to reset password.
password New password for the user.
using Alias of the Milvus server.

Delete a user

Delete an authenticated user.

from pymilvus import utility
utility.delete_user('user', using='default')
Parameter Description
user Username to delete.
using Alias of the Milvus server.

List all users

List all the credential users.

from pymilvus import utility
users = utility.list_usernames(using='default')


  1. Username must not be empty, and must not exceed 32 characters in length. It must start with a letter, and only contains underscores, letters, or numbers.
  2. Password must have at least 6 characters and must not exceed 256 characters in length.